Fall 2009 Biophysics Seminars


September 14

Shannon Doyle, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NCI, NIH, "Coupling ATP utilization to protein remodeling by ClpB, a hexameric AAA+ protein" (George H. Lorimer)

September 21


September 28

Paul Janmey, University of Pennsylvania, "Non-linear elasticity of extracellular matrices and mechanical communication between cells" (D. Thirumalai)

October 5

Hari Schroff , National Institutes of Health, "Pushing the envelope in biological imaging" (Wolfgang Losert)

October 12

Carla Theimer, University at Albany, SUNY, "Conformational equilibrium in the yeast telomerase RNA pseudoknot domain." (Samuel Cho)

October 19

Anna Panchenko, NCBI, National Institutes of Health, "Role of promiscuous binding and intrinsic disorder in protein interactions" (Dorothy Beckett)

October 26


November 2

Francisco Bezanilla, University of Chicago, "Sensing Voltage in Ion Channels" (Sergei Sukharev)

November 9


November 16


November 23

Robin Hochstrasser, University of Pennsylvania, "Water, water everywhere . . . Even in amyloid fibrils?" (George H. Lorimer)

November 30

Jonathan D. Dinman, Dept. of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland, "Genomic Frameshifting" (D. Thirumalai)

December 7


December 14