
03 February

Mrinal Shekhar

4 pm
1116 IPST Bldg.

Broad Institute

Transforming Early-Stage Drug Discovery Through integration of Machine Learning and Structure-Based Approaches

24 February

Andy Nieuwkoop

4 pm
1116 IPST Bldg.

Rutgers University

"Using Solid-state NMR to Study Protein Binding to Phosphatidylinositol Phosphates in Lipid Bilayers"

31 March

Keng-Hui Lin

4 pm
1116 IPST Bldg.

Academia Sinica

07 April

Naeha Subramanian

4 pm
1116 IPST Bldg.

Institute for Systems Biology

14 April

Richard Joh

4 pm
1116 IPST Bldg.

Virginia Commonwealth University

"Gene clustering drives the transcriptional coherence of disparate biological processes in eukaryotes"

21 April

Khalid Salaita

4 pm
1116 IPST Bldg.

Emory University

Nucleic acid probes that sense and respond to piconewton force enable new insights and applications in mechanobiology