Spring 2006 Biophysics Seminars


January 30 Michael Groll, University of Munich, “Molecular machines for protein degradation: a Structural Approach” (Time and place changed to 11:00 AM in the Marker Lecture Room of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
February 6  
February 13 Professor Reed B. Wickner, National Institute of Health, "Yeast Prions: Prion Domain Shuffling and Transfection with Recombinant Ure2p"
February 20 Professor John T. Fourkas, UMCP, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,“Making Things with Light”
February 27 Professor Olga Boudker, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, “Glutamate Transporter Structure and the Mechanism of Coupling Ion Gradients to substrate Translocation”
March 6

William A. Eaton, Chief, Laboratory of Chemical Physics, National Institutes of Health, ”The Incredible Kinetics of Sickle Hemoglobin Ploymerization”

March 13 Professor Brian Matthews, University of Oregon, Institute of Molecular Biology, “Tolerance and Intolerance in Protein Structure and Function”
March 27

Professor John F. Nagle, Professor of Physics and Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University,

“STRUCTURE OF BIOMEMBRANES: Challenges for Experiment and Theory”

April 3 Professor Marilyn Gunner, City College of New York, Physic Department, “The Role of Buried Charged Groups in Proteins”
April 10 Dr. George Stan, National Institute of Health, “Biological Nanomachines at Work: Chaperonin-mediated Protein Folding”
April 17 Professor David Fushman, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park,"Structure, Ligand Binding, and Conformational Dynamics in Polyubiquitin Chains"
April 24 Professor Victor Munoz, University of Maryland, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, "Protein Folding: Living in a World with Small Barriers"
May 1 Professor William E. Bentley, Center for Biosystems Research, UMBI, “Engineering the Interface: Embedding “bio” into Devices”
May 8