February 4 | |
February 11 |
February 18 | |
February 25 |
Edwin Taylor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of Chicago. “Motors and Muscle Contraction Since 1957: Are we there yet?” |
March 3 | Allen P. Minton, Physical Biochemistry, Chief, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Genetics NIDDK, NIH. "How Biochemistry in Vivo can Differ from Biochemistry in Vitro" (survey of crowding, confinement, surface absorption). |
March 10 | NO SEMINAR |
March 17 | NO SEMINAR |
March 24 |
Dr. Vincent Hilser, Sealy Center for Structural Biology & Molecular Biophysics, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston.“Ensemble Allostery and Intrinsic Disorder” |
April 7 |
Tom Lubensky, Chair and Mary Amanda Wood Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania. ."Elasticity and Nonaffinity of Crosslinked Biopolymer Networks" |
April 14 | Ned S. Wingreen, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University. "E. Coli's Division Decision: Modeling Min-protein Oscillations" |
April 21 |
Supurna Sinha, Raman Research Institute, Sadashivanagar, Bangalore, INDIA.“Biopolymer Elasticity” |
April 28 | Joel Tolman, Johns Hopkins University, Department of Chemistry, "NMR Studies of Protein Structure and Dynamics Under Conditions of Weak Alignment" |
April 29 (Tuesday) Bioscience Research Building Room 1103 |
Robert Batey - University of Colorado Rick Russell - University of Texas, Austin Olke Uhlenbeck - Northwestern University Koen Visscher - The University of Arizona Jamie Williamson - The Scripps Research Inst. Sarah Woodson - Johns Hopkins University |
May 5 | Ben Ovryn, Gruss-Lipper Biophotonics Center, Dept. of Anatomy and Structural Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. "Modeling and Imaging Early Integrin Adhesions" |