Visitor Information

Location on campus

The Institute for Physical Science and Technology (IPST) building is located at 8108 Regents Dr., College Park, MD 20742. Our offices are located in three buildings - the Institute for Physical Science and Technology Building (#085), the Atlantic Building (#224), and the Physical Sciences Complex (#415). Please refer to the map below for details. The red highlighted area is the IPST building. See directions to campus by car, rail or air.

When visiting the Institute for Physical Science and Technology, we suggest that you park in the Regents Drive Garage. Visitors should park on the roof of the garage in a numbered space. Note the space number when exiting your vehicle and proceed to a pay station to purchase the amount of time needed for the visit.


Inviting someone to collaborate at IPST

Are you planning to invite someone to collaborate at IPST? Please read and follow the necessary steps for a visiting scholar for a streamlined process.