NCIUMD Partnership for Integrative Cancer Research 2024 Symposium

Symposium of the NCIUMD Partnership for Integrative Cancer Research

Friday, September 13, 2024

Prince Georges Room, STAMP Student Union

College Park, Maryland

12:00 Welcome

12:10-1:30 Invited talks (15 min plus questions)

Cook, Leah, NCI/CCR, Cancer innovation Deciphering the role of neutrophils in bone metastatic prostate cancer
Xu, Alex, UMD, BioE, Spatial Analysis at High-plex, Biomarkers, and Therapies in Cancer
Devoe, Don, UMD, BioE, Microfluidic Discretization for Cancer Immunodynamics and Therapeutics
Weyemi, Urbain, NCI/CCR, Developmental Therapeutics, Decoding the Dialogue Between Redox Metabolism and
Genomic Stability

1:30-2:00 Sandwich Lunch for registered attendees

2:00-3:00 Invited talks (15 min plus questions)

O'Reilly, Francis, NCI/CCR, Center for Structural Biology (TBA)
Liu, Yanxin, UMD, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry (TBA)
Cappell, Steven, NCI/CCR, Lab of Cancer Biology and Genetics Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Cell Cycle
Dynamics and Heterogenous Cell Fates

3:00-3.50 Contributed talks (7 min plus questions)

Koivomagi, Marco NIH The Biochemical Basis of Promoter-Specific Gene Regulation by Cell Cycle Cyclin-Cdks
Hsiao-Sanchez, Nicole NIH CK2 signaling from ER-embedded Tollip-dependent perinuclear endosomes regulates
RIOK1 Serine22 phosphorylation and is an essential feature of KRAS and NRAS mutant cancers
Zhang, Wengang, NIH CDK2 and CDK4: Cell Cycle Functions Evolve Distinct, Catalysis-Competent Conformations,
Offering Allosteric Drug Targets
Rathore, Ishan, NIH Capturing oligomeric states of Lon protease involved in its regulation using CryoEM
Baras, John, UMD Integrated Progressive Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for
Cancer Research

3:50-4:00 Break

4:00-4:20 Student Reports (7 min plus questions)

Ji, Canran, UMD-NCI partnership PhD student, Principal component analysis in Cryo-EM & TEM image denoising
Gu, Cathy, UMD-NCI partnership PhD student Towards Fate Prediction of Precancerous Lesions: Image Analysis
on Live Animal Intravital Microscopy

4:20-5:00 Session 5 (15 min plus questions)

Iglesias-Bartolome, Ramiro, NCI/CCR, Lab of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Decoding the Tumor Suppressive
Mechanisms of GPCR-Gas/PKA Signaling
Moore, Erika, UMD, Dept. of Bioengineering Building biomaterials to understand macrophage-ECM interactions

5:00pm Adjourn

Parking: Please park in the Regents Drive Garage:

Contact: 301-405-0629 (Wolfgang Losert, Partnership co-director) or 301-405-4899 (Catha Stewart, coordinator)
Partnership Co-Leads: NCI: Voula Mili, Cenk Sahinalp, Kandice Tanner; UMD: Doron Levy, Wolfgang Losert, Kim Stroka