Quantitative Life Sciences

The biosphere, the part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms exist, is experiencing severe challenges, including climate change and the poor health of sizable fractions of the human population (e.g. concerning trends in cancer and antibiotic resistance). To enhance our lives and to combat these challenges, it is critical that we harness the modern tools of biology, physics and engineering to synergistically identify opportunities and creatively implement solutions. Fortunately, our understanding of the molecular basis of life has advanced to a level where beneficial interventions in the natural world are not only possible, but can be made much more effective by a multidisciplinary approach. 



Affiliate Professor, IPST
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics
Office: BRB 2134
Phone: 301-405-9601
Professor, IPST
Office: AVW 3341
Phone: 301-405-1610
Professor of Mathematics, Biology and IPST
Office: ATL 4315
Office: MATH 3111
Phone: 301-405-4842
Distinguished University Professor,
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
IPST, Department of Physics
Office: 2106 IPST Bldg.
Phone: 301-405-4439
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Office: 2113 Biomolecular Sciences Bldg
Phone: 301-405-1828
MPower Professor
Professor, IPST
Professor, Department of Physics
Co-Director, NCI-UMD Partnership for Integrative Cancer Research
Office: PSC 1147
Phone: 301-405-0629
Professor of Mathematics and IPST
Office: MATH 2106
Phone: 301-405-5455
Professor of Mathematics and IPST
Office: MATH 3310
Phone: 301-405-5145
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry & IPST
Office: CHM 2216
Phone: 301-405-8667
Senior Faculty Specialist
Millard and Lee Alexander Professor in Chemical Physics and IPST
Office: IPST 1115A
Phone: 301-405-2148
Director of IPST
Professor of Mathematics and IPST
Office: ATL 4211
Phone: 301-405-4878
Co-Director of the Biophysics Program
Professor, Department of Physics, IPST
Office: PSC 1151
Phone: 301-405-9939
Distinguished University Professor
Research Professor, IPST
Office: ATL 4311
Phone: 301-405-4875