2019 Fall NCI-UMD Partnership for Integrative Research Cancer Minisymposium

The Institute for Physical Science and Technology will host The Integrative Cancer Research Minisymposium on November 15, 2019. The minisymposium will highlight results from current collaborations and talks from NIH researchers. Researchers from other NIH institutes are welcome to participate and collaborate with our UMD colleagues. During the break, there will be ample time to discuss possible joint research projects. At the minisymposium, we will provide information about the 2020 Call for Proposals for Joint NCI-UMD projects (which provides up to three years of support for one graduate student per project). The deadline for submitting spring proposals is to be determined with project starting dates by the beginning of the spring 2020 semester.


11:00am   FED Tech - NCI SBIR Outreach – Clark Memorial Room 1117

12:00pm  Lunch for Registered Participants

1:00pm   Welcome    

1:10pm Yihang Wang, Seed Award Student (Tiwary–Vinson–Schneekloth) "Understanding small molecule interactions with riboswitches through artificial intelligence based molecular simulations”

1:30pm  Milos Nikolic, Seed Award Student (Scarcelli–Tanner) “Intracellular mechanics of cancer progression revealed by Brillouin microscopy”

1:50pm  Rebecca Moriarty, Seed Award Student (Stroka–Mili) “Lost in Translation? Understanding the role of protein synthesis in confined microenvironments”

2:10pm   Chuan Wu, NCI

2:20pm   Meera Murgai, NCI

2:30pm   Peng Jiang, NCI

2:40pm   Break – Refreshments and Posters

3:10pm  Michael Yeh, Seed Award Student (DeVoe–Altan-Bonnet) "Microfluidic trap arrays for probing stochastic immune-tumor dynamics"

3:30pm  Stephanie Miller, UMD Partnership Student NIMH (Roy–Plenz) “The scale-invariant temporal profile of neuronal avalanches in relation to cortical γ–oscillations”       

3:50pm  Zeyad Emam, UMD Partnership Student NIBIB (Czaja–Leapman) “Towards a streamlined segmentation workflow for 3D electron microscopy images”

4:10pm  Chongyi Chen, NCI

4:20pm  Gregoire Altan-BonnetNCI “High-dimensional deconvolution of T cell activation to quantify self/non-self-discrimination in the immune system”

4:30pm  Researchers TBA, NIH

4:40 pm  Adjourn


NCI Leads: Gregoire Altan-Bonnet, Dan Larson, Kandice Tanner

UMD Leads: Doron Levy, Wolfgang Losert, Kim Stroka

Partnership Coordinator: Catha Stewart, cstewar2@umd.edu