John D. Anderson: computational fluid dynamics, hypersonics, history of aerodynamics
Mikhail A. Anisimov: mesoscopic dynamics in complex fluids
Stuart S. Antman: continuum physics and nonlinear analysis
Thomas M. Antonsen: nonlinear dynamics, hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics
Akua Asa-Awuku: aerosols, droplets, atmospheric chemistry, cloud microphysics
James D. Baeder: computational fluid dynamics
Ferdinand Baer: numerical weather and climate prediction and atmospheric dynamics
Jacob Bedrossian: fluid mechanics, hydrodynamic stability, mixing, and kinetic theory of plasmas
Avram Bar-Cohen (ENME): thermofluid modeling, boiling and two-phase flow
Peter S. Bernard: vortex methods, turbulent flow prediction and theory
David I. Bigio: mixing of fluid systems and chaos theory of mixing
Kaye L. Brubaker: hydrology, hydrologic and water-quality modeling, global water-vapor transport
Richard V. Calabrese: multi-phase flow, turbulence and mixing
James A. Carton: ocean dynamics
Gennady A. Chepurin: ocean dynamics
Anil E. Deane: fluid dynamics, MHD, computation, visualization
Donald L. DeVoe: bio-microfluidics and nanofluidics
Panagiotis Dimitrakopoulos: computational fluid dynamics: multiphase flows, mesoscale polymer dynamics, biophysics, numerical analysis
J. Robert Dorfman: kinetic theory and microscopic chaotic dynamics
William D. Dorland: plasma turbulence, kinetic algorithms
James F. Drake: magnetohydrodynamics in plasmas
James H. Duncan: experimental fluid dynamics - breaking waves, bubble dynamics and solid/fluid interactions
Ramani Duraiswami: computational fluid dynamics, multiphase flow
Howard Elman: computational fluid dynamics, numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra, parallel computation
Nail A. Gumerov: computational physics, multiphase flows, bubble dynamics and linear/nonlinear waves
Ashwani K. Gupta: swirl flows; combustion, fuel sprays, high-temperature air combustion and air pollution
Parvez N. Guzdar: theory and simulations for fluids and fusion/space plasmas
Adil B. Hassam: magnetohydrodynamics and fusion
Sash Hier-Majumder: Geodynamics, multiphase flow, magma dynamics, physical properties of suspensions, non-quilibrium thermodynamics
Brian R. Hunt: nonlinear dynamics and chaos, numerical weather prediction
Kayo Ide: data assimilation, atmospheric and oceanic variability, Lagrangian analysis, dynamical systems
Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin: advection-transport equations with applications to compressible fluid mechanics, multi-agent and many particles systems, mathematical modeling in biology and ecology, kinetic and hyperbolic problems
Gregory S. Jackson: combustion and flame stability
Christopher Jarzynski: foundations of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties of complex systems, biophysical statistical mechanics
Eugenia E. Kalnay: atmospheric modeling)
Kenneth T. Kiger: multi-phase flows, turbulence and biological fluid dynamics
Daryl Kleist: data assimilation, numerical weather prediction, atmospheric predictability
Jungho Kim: phase change heat transfer and fluid flow
Johan Larsson: turbulence, reacting flows, computational science
Daniel P. Lathrop: nonlinear dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, Geophysics
Stuart J. Laurence: high speed flows and supersonic combustion
C. David Levermore: fluid dynamics and applied mathematics
Doron Levy: computational fluid dynamics, bioscience
Mark J. Lewis: hypersonic aerodynamics, optimal aerodynamics, propulsion flowpaths
Xin-Zhong Liang: Climate-weather forecasting modeling
Wolfgang Losert: nonlinear dynamics, granular flows, bioscience
Dionisios Margetis: mathematical materials science and statistical mechanics
Andre W. Marshall: fire induced flows; atomization and sprays; combustion
Pino Martin: physics of tubulent flows and numerical methods for simulation of turbulence
Howard M. Milchberg: nonlinear optics, plasma hydrodynamics
Laurent G. J. Montési: Geodynamics, nonlinear dynamics, rheology, melt migration
Raghuram Murtugudde: computational fluid dynamics and ocean modeling
Sumant Nigam: atmospheric and oceanic dynamics
Ricardo H. Nochetto: finite-element methods, projection methods, adaptivity
Serguei Novikov: mathematical physics and dynamics
Eve C. Ostriker: astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics
Edward Ott: nonlinear dynamics, chaos
Derek A. Paley: nonlinear control, engineering dynamics, and dynamical systems theory
K. Dennis Papadopolous: plasma physics and space physics
Jonathan Poterjoy: data assimilation, numerical weather prediction
Srinivasa R. Raghavan: rheology of complex non-Newtonian fluids
Amir Riaz: computational fluid mechanics, porous media flow, multiphase flow, interfacial flow stability
Chris Reynolds: astrophysical magenetohydrodynamics, accretion disk theory
Derek Richardson: granular media
Rajarshi Roy: nonlinear dynamics and noise
Jan V. Sengers: fluctuations and thermal transport phenomena
Benjamin Shapiro: modeling and control of fluid dynamics
Adel Shirmohammadi (BIOE) computational fluid dynamics in porous media
Elisabeth Smela: micro-systems, conjugated polymers, bio-MEMS
Jelena Srebric: urban sustainability and microclimate
Katepalli R. Sreenivasan: complex fluids, combustion, nonlinear dynamics and turbulence
Peter B. Sunderland: experimental fire science and combustion
Eitan Tadmor: mathematical analysis and computational fluid dynamics
Konstantina Trivisa: fluid dynamics, multicomponent reactive flows, non-linear analysis, nonlinear conservation laws and related models
Arnaud C. Trouve: computational fluid dynamics, reacting flows
James M. Wallace: experimental fluid mechanics and turbulence
Jacob Wenegrat: ocean and atmosphere dynamics, physical oceanography, submesoscale dynamics
Peter H. Yoon: magnetohydrodynamics and plasma turbulence
James A. Yorke: nonlinear dynamics and chaos
Da-Lin Zhang: atmospheric dynamics, numerical weather prediction